CV Database

There are currently 470 applicants

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Find your next hire on Recruit vet! Check out new profiles every day and find qualified candidates to fill roles big and small.

Browse out CV database and find an animal heath professional !

In addition to posting open positions at your clinic or hospital, our self-service platform allows you to browse qualified CVs from local professionals.

Consult our CV database and discover profiles that are actively looking for new employment. You can identify people that match your criteria, obtain their CV with Recruit vet credits, and extend invitations for job interviews. 

Low on time? Our free email alert service will keep you informed every time a new potential candidate posts their profile on our platform! It’s never been easier.

Need additional help? 

Our hands-on headhunting service can find and introduce you to candidates that match your search criteria with full discretion and confidentiality.

Contact us now for a free telephone interview with our specialized recruiters!

How can I consult the CVs of RVN nurses and veterinarians?

Viewing candidate profiles is completely free on the Recruit vet platform.

For CV requests, your account will need paid credits. By clicking "Get the CV" on a user’s profile, you will receive an email notification indicating the CV is now available in your account. We guarantee full confidentiality. 

All accounting documents related to your order will be available to review in your account and a receipt of the transaction will be delivered via email.

Create a personalized alert to be informed of the new profiles!

Receive an email alert as soon as a candidate matching your criteria submits their CV online! This service is free and is just one of the many ways we aim to help you find the perfect new hire as quickly as possible.